Thursday 17 November 2016

How to Run a Marathon

Marathon is usually an open event, wherein anyone of any age group can take part. It involves lot of energy, zeal and enthusiasm. It is the only event of its kind wherein the spirit of both the athletes and common man is seen. Most of the marathons have special arrangements for handicaps and senior citizen participants. 

The best part about running a marathon is that it does not force the runners to run past till the end. At anytime during the run, participants can quit the race. Though quitting is easy, participants should try by all their means to finish the race, if not win the same. To complete or run the marathon requires proper prior training. Initially, you need to develop the stamina to run the distance of the marathon. 

Also, do not stress yourself a couple of days before the race. Instead, it is advised that runners should quit running 2-3 days before the event to gather all the energy and eagerness on the D-day. There are many things that you should keep in mind before running in the marathon. In the following lines, we have provided things that you need to keep in mind before running a marathon. Following these would help you complete the marathon successfully.

Running A Marathon

How To Run A Marathon

Do proper training and maintain personal fitness some weeks prior to the marathon. Stop running a couple of days before the event is scheduled to take place. This would help you save all the energy.

Have a very light dinner the night before the marathon. Do not eat much. Try to eat by 6 in the evening. If you feel hungry at night time, eat very light snacks. 
Include electrolyte beverages with the dinner.

A day before the marathon, drink half cup of water every two hours. Never drink too much water before the race. It would make you to go to the washroom again and again.

One should never consume alcohol a day or night before the marathon. It has a depressant effect, which is carried till the next morning.

Make sure you have a good night’s sleep on the marathon eve. It would not only help you relax, but instill in you a rejuvenated sense of energy and enthusiasm.

Do not forget to gather all the essentials that you might require during the race before hitting the bed. This would include your running clothing, shoes, watch, beverages, first aid box, etc.

Warm up is very important half an hour before the commencement of the race. In case you are feeling stressed out or nervous, talk to people around and try to calm down your nerves.

Agreed, you have a lot of energy in the beginning of the race. But, instead of running speedily initially and exhausting all the energy, run slowly in the beginning and store energy for last minutes. This way, you would perform consistently during the entire run.

Taking break is crucial while running a marathon. A break would rejuvenate your energy level and help you start again with an enhanced strength and vigor.

Once you reach the finish line, continue running for a few more miles. An abrupt stop can cause injury and break the rhythm of the body. Slow the speed only when you cross the line.

Precautions should not only be taken before the marathon, but after the run as well. Once you finish the marathon, drink a lot of water and have snacks. If possible, soak your legs in a bucket of cold water.

Running a marathon can be easy, if proper technique is followed during, before and after the events. Adhere to the tips given above and know how to run a marathon with ease.

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